Bingo Chat Lingo
If you are new to bingo games and what is on offer in bingo chat games, you may find it all a bit confusing. There are bingo chat moderators who will help you out and you should find that most players are very friendly. However, you may find that the language being used by players is perplexing, leaving you out in the cold from the very start.
This is why having a bingo chat lingo guide can be of assistance and these are some of the phrases you will see when you play on the Titan Bingo site. If you want to make the most of the chat option on the site, be sure to check out the following guide:
Chat beginning with A
- AFACT: As far as I can tell
- AFAIK: As far as I know
- AFK: Away from the keyboard
- ASL: Age, Sex, Location
- AKA: Also known as
- AAMOF: As a matter of fact
- ASAP: As soon as possible
- AYT: Are you there?
- ATM: At the moment
- ATW: Around the world/Web
Chat beginning with B
- BAK: Back at the keyboard
- BBIAM: Be back in a minute
- BB: Bye bye
- BBL: Be back later
- BBS: Be back soon
- BLNG: Better luck next game
- BMHATW: Banging my head against the wall
- BRB: Bathroom break/Be right back
- BLNT: Better luck next time
- BTU: Back to you
- BTW: By the way
- B4N: Bye for now
Chat beginning with C
- CDIWY: Couldn’t do it without you
- CFN: Ciao for now
- CM: Chat master/monitor/moderator
- COI: Come on in
- CTN: Can’t talk now
- CU: See you
- CUL: Catch you later
- CYA: See you later
Chat beginning with D
- DK: Don’t know
- DLG: Devilish little grin
- DLN: Don’t leave now
- DTS: Don’t think so
- DWBH: Don’t worry, be happy
Chat beginning with E
- EL: Evil laugh
- ELOL: Evil laugh out loud
- EMSG: Email message
- EMA: Email address
- EMML: Email me later
- EOD: End of day
Chat beginning with F
- FCOL: For crying out loud
- FIO: Figure it out
- FISH: First in, still here
- FWIW: For what it’s worth
- FYI: For your information
Chat beginning with G
- GF: Girlfriend
- GG: Good game
- GBH: Great big hug
- GGA: Good game all
- GLA: Good luck all
- GL2U: Good luck to you
- GLE: Good luck everyone
- GM: Good move/Good morning
- GN: Good night
- GR8: Great
- GTSY: Glad to see you
- GMTA: Great minds think alike
- GTG/ G2G: Got to go
Chat beginning with H
- HABO: Have a better one
- HF: Have fun
- HAGD: Have a great day
- HLTCR: Has left the chat room
- HB: Hurry back
Chat beginning with I
- IC: I see
- IMHO: In my honest opinion
- IMO: In my opinion
- IRL: In real life
Chat beginning with J
- J/J: Just joking
- JK: Just kidding
- JFF: Just for fun
- JMO: Just my opinion
Chat beginning with K
- K: OK
- KIT: Keep in touch
- KWIM: Know what I mean
Chat beginning with L
- L8R: Later
- LMK: Let me know
- LOL: Laughing out loud
- LTNS: Long time no see
- LY: Love You
- LYK: Let you know
Chat beginning with M
- MB: Message board
Chat beginning with N
- NP: No problem
- NOYB: None of your business
Chat beginning with O
- OW: Oh well
- OIC: Oh, I see
- OMG: Oh my gosh
- OTFL: On the floor laughing
Chat beginning with P
- PLZ: Please
- PM: Private message
- PPL: People
- POOF: I have left the chat
Chat beginning with Q
- QT: Cutie
Chat beginning with R
- ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing
- RTF: Read the FAQ
Chat beginning with S
- SAC: Sorry all close
- SO: Significant other
- SOH: Sense of humour
- SRY: Sorry
- SWALK: Sealed with a loving kiss
- SWL: Screaming with laughter
- SYS: See you soon
Chat beginning with T
- TC: Take care
- THX: Thanks
- TOY: Thinking of you
- TPTB: The powers that be
- TTFN: Ta ta for now
- TTYL: Talk to you later
- T: Thank you
- TYVM: Thank you very much
Chat beginning with U,V,W,or Y
- UL: Unlucky
- VBG: Very big grin
- W8: Wait
- WB: Welcome back
- WD: Well done
- WTG: Way to go
- YW: You’re welcome
This will hopefully help you get up to speed with the way that people communicate with each other during a bingo game. As the chat box moves quite quickly, you’ll find that having the ability to communicate in a short-form manner is of considerable benefit. There is definitely a lot to be said for getting your point across and communicating with fellow players in a fast manner. You don’t want to spend too long typing when there are bingo and chat games taking place all around you, so having the chance to engage in this manner is definitely going to be of benefit to many people.
If you are looking to make the most of your time on an online bingo site, getting up to speed with the bingo ling is a sure fire way of improving the fun.